Ratu dan Cantik

“True Beauty is About Who You Are As A Human Being, Your Principles, Your Moral Compass”

Idea mengumpul empat Ratu Cantik dan rakan kosmetik datang daripada jurusolek, jurudandan dan stylist tidak asing lagi, Rossa Talip. “Mereka (the ladies) bukan sahaja cantik dan banyak follower tetapi rata-rata berpendidikan tinggi, memegang jawatan penting dalam syarikat, waktu sama ringan tulang untuk membuat kerja amal,” kata Rossa.

Ratu cantik itu apa tugasnya? Bolehkah mereka menjadi role model, dan bagaimana pula pandangan mereka bila ramai mempertikaikan kemampuan mereka. Ramai pula berfikiran negatif dan merasakan ratu cantik sekadar muka lawa dan bangga tayang badan?

“The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.”

Bila berbual dapat dirasakan wajah-wajah jelita ini punya wawasan dan mahu memboktikan bukan sekadar memegang title tetapi mahu turut sama turun padang membuat kerja amal dalam waktu sama mencurahkan kemahiran yang ada pada mereka untuk mencurah bakti kepada masyarakat yang memerlukan.


Miss Globe Malaysia 2022

Kita baru sahaja mendapat kerajaan baru, berupa Kerajaan Perpaduan. Apa pandangan anda bilamana pada kali pertamanya negara kita menubuhkan kerajaan seumpama ini. Kefahaman anda mengenai perpaduan itu sendiri?

Bagi saya dengan terbentuknya Kerajaan Perpaduan, ini bermakna ia adalah udara yang segar dan dapat dilihat kerajaan ini betul-betul mahu membela nasib rakyat. Lihat sahaja cuma beberapa hari kerajaan dibentuk, pasaran saham melonjak dan nilai matawang kita sudah naik dan beberapa hal seperti menaikkan taraf orang miskin, pesawah padi contohnya. Semoga kehidupan mereka jauh lebih baik daripada sebelumnya. Saya melihatnya kerajaan baharu ini boleh bekerja, ini memberi manfaat kepada semua orang. Perpaduan ialah apabila kita dapat hidup bersama dalam negara yang menghormati dan meraikan setiap budaya.

Peranan Ratu Cantik dalam masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama di sini?

Satu yang saya kagumi adalah bagaimana kecantikan boleh ditakrifkan dengan pelbagai cara dan warna kehidupan. Justeru, tentukan semula apa keindahan pada negara yang berbeza bangsa dan budaya ini. Beauty is power!

Sebelum menjadi Ratu siapakah anda?

Saya seorang yang pemalu, dan bila diangkat menjadi ratu, saya belajar untuk mengatasi rasa takut malu itu. Kini saya mampu untuk keluar ke padang untuk memberikan khidmat juga turut sama dalam kerja-kerja amal yang diperlukan. Saya terpanggil untuk meluangkan lebih banyak masa dalam kebajikan masyarakat dan bangga membanting tulang ke arah ini. Saya mahu melihat lebih ramai anak muda sedia memberikan khidmat mereka saat diperlukan, contoh masa banjir, tulang kederat mereka amat diperlukan,

Apa yang membezakan anda dengan gadis-gadis lain dan sejujurnya apa yang uniknya mengenai anda?

 Ya, saya menyebut saya seorang yang pemalu, namun saya yakin mahkota itu diberi kepada saya disebabkan saya memberikan banyak waktu untuk mempersiapkan diri. Kerana minat saya ialah membaca, boleh dikatakan saya ulat buku. Ya, saya pencita sejarah dan mahu tahu sebanyaknya mengenai berita dalam dan luar negara, berita sebelum dan berita semasa. Kebolehan saya bertutur dan bergaul dengan semua orang tidak kira bangsa dan agama, jantina dan usia, tua atau muda. Saya senang bila bersama mereka, ini yang saya rasa saya unik, (mungkin ini juga yang juri-juri nampak ada pada saya).

Saya layak mendapat gelaran ini, kerana kerja keras dan ketekunan saya dalam pertandingan selama tiga tahun saya bersiap sedia, dan menunjukkan dedikasi saya. Saya di sini untuk menunjukkan dan memberi motivasi kepada generasi muda khasnya

Apa yang anda paling suka mengenai diri anda?

Saya rasa saya sangat kelakar, saya suka membuat orang tersenyum dan ketawa. Saya suka berkawan dengan orang yang kelakar.

Di mana anda melihat diri anda 10 tahun mendatang?

Saya melihat diri saya sihat, lebih bijak, dan penuh kebahagiaan. Saya rasa saya mempunyai matlamat untuk diarkibkan sama ada matlamat biasa seperti untuk kekayaan dan pencapaian. Tetapi saya percaya pada perkara mudah dalam hidup kerana kesihatan dan kebahagiaan saya adalah perkara paling utama dan tidak dapat dibeli dengan wang ringgit.

Apa matlamat yang mahu anda capai bermula sekarang?

Saya mahu menjadi anak perempuan yang baik kepada ibu dan ayah saya, kawan dan isteri yang baik kepada bakal suami, ibu yang baik kepada bakal anak-anak saya dan berbakti pada masyarakat khasnya. Bila kita mahu yang baik-baik dalam hidup, segala yang disentuh sama ada dalam kerjaya mahupun tugasan dalam kebajikan akan berjalan lancar. Saya percaya bila kita boleh baik pada alam, pada manusia dan juga binatang khasnya, kita akan mendapat balik kebaikan itu.

Insan yang menjadi idola anda dan anda ingin makan bersamanya?

Sudah semesti Oprah Winfrey  – Oprah adalah sejarah dan masih mencipta sejarah. Saya memandang tinggi kepada seseorang yang mempunyai permulaan yang sukar dan berusaha keras dengan caranya sendiri untuk mencipta kejayaan dan kekayaan. Dia memberi saya inspirasi untuk menjadi sepertinya.

Adakah menjadi tanggung jawab selebriti untuk menjadi ‘role model’?

Selebriti juga manusia. Saya tidak fikir tanggungjawab mereka untuk menjadi contoh teladan sesiapa sahaja, tetapi dengan sikap dan peribadi mereka, ia mungkin jadi ikutan dan teladan. Jadi selebriti mestilah menunjukkan sikap yang baik dari pelbagai segi, kalau mereka berperangai buruk, teladan apa yang boleh dicontohi?

Adakah anda sendiri seorang yang boleh dikatakan role model yang baik?

Ya saya patut mengatakan begitu. Saya boleh memberitahu anda tentang perkara yang anda tidak patut lakukan. Kerana anda boleh belajar daripada kesilapan saya.

Kegagalan paling besar yang pernah anda lalui dan cabaran untuk mengatasinya?

Salah satu kegagalan terbesar saya adalah untuk tidak bekerja lebih keras dalam hidup saya semasa membesar kerana zaman kanak-kanak adalah masa yang paling penting dalam hidup. Sedar hal itu kini saya bekerja keras, dan memastikan saya baik dalam bidang yang saya ceburi. Anda di luar bila terlajak berpatahlah balik dan baiki kesalahan silam, dengan yakin dan usaha pasti berjaya.

Pada pandangan anda apakah masalah paling besar dihadapi oleh ramai kini?

Saya melihatnya ramai cuba menentukan identiti dan kelayakan diri

mereka seperti yang mereka baca dan yang disiarkan dalam talian, dan mereka mahu menjadi seperti itu. Bila kita cuba menjadi orang lain ia membawa kepada tekanan mental. Oleh itu adalah penting menjadi diri sendiri. Baiki dan terus baiki diri, dan percaya kepada kemampuan dan kelayakan diri.

Mengapa anda fikir orang luar selalu berpandangan negatif terhadap peraduan ratu cantik dan ratu itu sendiri?

Memang ramai melihatnya cara ia diselenggarakan daripada penampilan luaran seseorang individu, tetapi hanya jika membuka membuka minda dan cuba memahami mengapa ia diadakan dan kesan yang diperolehi daripada pertandingan tersebut dan menyebarkan yang positif, maka orang ramai akan faham. Kerana ramai yang melihat seolah menjual muka dan sahaja.

Anda sendiri apa yang boleh anda lakukan terhadap pandangan negatif media pada pertandingan ini?

Saya akan memberitahu mereka apa yang saya pelajari. Dan satu lagi, menyertai dengan niat yang jelas. Juga memastikan bahawa kita tidak boleh diganggu oleh komen negatif dan tidak membina. Lakukan kerja dengan sepenuh hati dan jangan berputus asa.

Regim kecantikan anda?

Saya makan makanan yang baik untuk kesihatan dan mendapat cukup tidur serta bersenam; ini tidak pernah mengecewakan siapapun.

Definisi cantik anda?

Kecantikan ada pada mata yang melihat. Bagi saya kecantikan adalah watak seseorang dan bagaimana mereka membawa diri mereka.

Malveen Kaur

Miss Globe Malaysia 2022, Miss Face Humanity Malaysia 2022

Malveen Kaur Gill, 28, dari Senai, Johor. Mewakili Represented Malaysia pada  2021 di Albania dan dinobatkan sebagai The Miss Globe Malaysia 2021. Tahun hadapan saya akan mewakili negara sekali lagi untuk pertandingan The Miss Face of Humanity 2023. Saya bermula mengambil bahagian dalam ratu cantik pada usia 25 dan matlamat  utama saya adalah untuk membawa pulang mahkota antarabangsa untuk Malaysia.

Kita baru sahaja mendapat kerajaan baru, berupa Kerajaan Perpaduan. Apa pandangan anda bilamana pada kali pertamanya negara kita menubuhkan kerajaan seumpama ini. What is your take on this and in your own words defines perpaduan?

I have always been very neutral towards my country and the political system that evolves around it. I believe with greater leadership comes better management of the country and the support of the people. Unity is when we celebrate our country without having to judge one another based on how we look and what we do. Unity is when every single one of us matter. No man shall be left behind.

Peranan Ratu Cantik dalam masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama di sini?

When we are blessed and gifted with such accreditation as a Queen, it is a must to portray ourselves as a Queen who is disciplined, soft spoken and reputable from all over the world. We are therefore a part of the world leadership society where we are held responsible to make a change in any of sort of way for the good and kindness of the world.

Tell me more about you now?

Before I was a Queen, I was nobody. I had a very normal job. Worked part time as a waitress whilst studying to be a fashion designer.

What makes you different from the other girls competing? Yes, what makes you unique?

My personality and my story of how I bloomed into the queen that I am today. My uniqueness comes from my charisma and character which attracts many people. They assume I am very intimidating but once you get to know me you will see the very much softer side of me.

Why do you deserve to win this title?

I believe in destiny and faith. Everyone is deserving of different things in life and for me to be given a second opportunity to represent my country again is merely a blessing in disguise. I believe my journey will make a change for the pageantry scene in my country and I am ready to make it happen.

What do you like most about yourself?

I like the fact that I can be very introverted and extroverted at the same time. Which is a good thing. I know how to give myself the “me time” for some rebooting.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What goal do you want to have achieved when you are?

I see myself as an international TV Host or anchor. It’s always been a dream.

If you could meet (have lunch with) any person in history who would it be?

Gordon Ramsay. I mean why not. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity so why not have lunch with a person who can actually cook you an amazing meal.

 Do celebrities have a responsibility to be positive role models?

Yes. I believe in this but it is our own individuality that plays a bigger role in it. How we want to inspire others with our story and journey into the industry.

Would you say that you are a good role model?

I am working towards inspiring everyone to dare to dream and live for themselves.

What has been your biggest failure? Tell us about a challenge that you experienced and how you overcame it.

The biggest failure is when I almost lost myself in the whole process of learning to be a pageant queen. I gave myself too much to another person’s will and desire in a way that I was a robot. I had no feelings or decision making of my own. I overcame it by choosing the right people to work with who support positivity and kindness.

What do you think is the biggest problem facing young people today?     

Many youth are still facing to have proper education, employment and also self acceptance. This is where the government needs to understand that in order to build a more impeccable country you need to give the youth a higher chance.

Why do you think that people have a negative image of pageantry?

Everyone has their own perspective of pageantry. Some can be good and bad but it is not our job as a Queen to convince anyone. It is not. Our job is to make people realize that every Queens journey is different and can be fruitful if you choose the right platform and prepare yourself for the industry. Nothing comes easy. Most people expect pageantry to be solely glitz and glam but in-fact there’s more that comes into it.

With the current negative media attention about pageantry, what advice would you give someone on the fence about competing?

Being strong emotionally, mentally and physically is what I say to myself everyday. Because if you can’t find the strength within yourself then no one else will do that for you.

Define beauty?

Beauty is from within. Beauty is the purity of a mother to her child. Beauty is when you look into the mirror and appreciate what you see. Beauty is both tangible and intangible.

Your beauty regime?

Rose water is definitely my go to besides daily moisturizing with aloe vera and i have professional facial done once every month.



Miss World Malaysia 2022

Wewanita Angang is a 26-year-old international conference producer of Tatana and Murut descent. Having lived in Sabah for 17 years and in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor for 9 years, she is well-acquainted with the various customs and values of Malaysians in the East and Peninsular. Recently, she graduated with a dual honors degree in Bachelor of Science in Information Systems from Sunway University, Malaysia, and Lancaster University, England.

While pursuing her degree, not a day went by without her active involvement in multiple humanitarian work. From being a tutor at the Myanmar Refugee Community Learning Centre in Kuala Lumpur to organizing a hygiene workshop for an Orang Asli community in Muadzam Shah, Pahang, Wenanita’s inquisitiveness recently led her to work closely with Sabah’s sole mental institution, the Bukit Padang Mental Hospital, in conducting a focused project on hippotherapy, a horse-aided therapy. It is used in the treatment of conditions ranging from autism spectrum disorder and cerebral palsy to developmental delays. Recognising the value in its therapeutic effect, Wenanita is an advocate in making affordability and accessibility to equine therapy for autistic children a priority.

Kita baru sahaja mendapat kerajaan baru, berupa Kerajaan Perpaduan. Apa pandangan anda bilamana pada kali pertamanya negara kita menubuhkan kerajaan seumpama ini? Dan pengertian perpaduan pada anda?

Penubuhan kerajaan perpaduan yang berlaku boleh membela kepentingan dan kebajikan rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan boleh memberi fokus kepada usaha pemulihan ekonomi negara.

Perpaduan di Malaysia dibentuk dengan persetujuan dan persefahaman di antara satu sama lain melalui satu pentadbiran kerajaan yang sentiasa memastikan keharmonian seluruh rakyatnya terjamin.

What is the role of a beauty queen?

Pageants are no longer a competition about physical beauty anymore. For the participants of pageants, it is a platform for showcasing intelligence, leadership, and diversity, especially in our multiracial and multireligious community.

Tell us more about you?

Before becoming a queen, I was still carrying my responsibilities as a daughter, sister, friend, student, volunteer, and so much more. I presented my experiences gained through all these roles, which in turn made me a queen.

Apa yang membuat anda berbeza daripada peserta lain dan uniknya anda ini?

Keunikan saya adalah pengalaman hidup saya yang tersendiri. Semua yang telah saya lalui sepanjang hidup telah membentuk pemikiran saya yang unik untuk mengetahui bahawa anda perlu menjadi diri sendiri.

Mengapa anda rasa anda yang selayaknya dinobatkan sebagai ratu?

Saya layak memenangi pertandingan ini kerana saya bersedia untuk berkhidmat kepada negara dan komuniti dan menjadi yang terbaik dalam semua yang saya lakukan dalam persiapan untuk mewakili negara.

Apa yang anda paling suka tentang diri anda?

Saya suka kegigihan saya untuk bekerja dalam situasi yang mencabar supaya saya tahu potensi diri saya. Lagi banyak cabaran, lagi banyak perkara baharu yang boleh saya pelajari.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see myself continuously making a positive impact in my community. Regardless of time, I would like to continue the mission I have as Miss World Malaysia 2022 for years to come.

What goal do you want to have achieved when you are?

I would like to have improved my growth mindset. Setting goals and achieving them can require changes in one’s life but to believe that change is possible, one must have an open mind and the awareness to accept any mistakes that one might make along the way.

Siapa yang menjadi idola anda dalam sejarah?

Tan Sri P. Ramlee sebab dia merupakan legenda di Malaysia. Saya menyanjung tinggi seniman yang serba boleh ini yang merupakan penghibur utama bersandarkan bakat, imaginasi tinggi dan ketekunannya. Sayangkan dia pergi buat selama-lamanya pada usia terlalu muda biarpun begitu jasanya tetap dikenang dan disanjung tinggi.

Adakah selebriti bertanggung jawab menjadikan seorang role model?

Ya, selebriti mempunyai tanggungjawab. Apabila seseorang memilih untuk menjadi selebriti, mereka memilihnya untuk menjadi pemimpin. Dengan itu datang tanggungjawab untuk memimpin ke arah kebaikan.

Adakah anda sendiri seorang role model yang baik?

Saya percaya bahawa saya mempunyai sesuatu yang berharga untuk berkongsi dengan orang lain dan dengan berkongsi pengalaman serta pengajaran yang telah saya pelajari, saya dapat membantu orang lain untuk memperbaiki diri. Saya berusaha untuk menjadi pengaruh positif dalam kehidupan mereka yang mengikuti perkembangan saya.

What has been your biggest failure? Tell us about a challenge that you experienced and how you overcame it.

My biggest failure in life is not believing in myself and not trusting my instincts and intuition more when I was younger and it cost me many missed opportunities. I had to work through this for years as I grew older and I am still trying to improve in this sense. I am happy to be a constant work in progress.

What do you think is the biggest problem facing young people today?

Low self-esteem in young people is not uncommon and can cause problems with peers, in decision-making, and is associated with anxiety and depression. The more time people spend on Facebook and Instagram, the more they compare themselves socially. This social comparison is linked to lower self-esteem and higher social anxiety.

Why do you think that people have a negative image of pageantry?

Negative views may arise concerning pageants because individuals feel it is a competition on who is the best- looking alone, which is rarely the case. Beauty pageants are a means of polishing and sharpening women outside and inner character.

With the current negative media attention about pageantry, what advice would you give someone on the fence about competing?

You must listen to your own voice and find your purpose in joining pageants. Personally, I believe pageantry is a doorway for those who want to be on stage, give back, and learn more about themselves.

Definisi cantik pada anda?.

Kecantikan wanita itu lebih terserlah apabila mereka yakin dan selesa dengan diri sendiri. Kecantikan sebenar akan terpancar bermula daripada fikiran tenang keyakinan diri yang tinggi.

Your beauty regime?

My beauty regime is simple as I have sensitive skin. I cleanse, tone, and moisturize. As for my makeup routine, I try to keep it simple on a daily basis as well to let my skin breathe. My favorite products would be a BB cream, eyebrow pencil, and lip tint.



Mrs World Malaysia 2022

Kita baru sahaja mendapat kerajaan baru, berupa Kerajaan Perpaduan. Apa pandangan anda bilamana pada kali pertamanya negara kita menubuhkan kerajaan seumpama ini. What is your take on this and in your own words defines perpaduan?

Adalah harapan saya yang ikhlas bahawa kerajaan perpaduan ini akan berjalan dengan lancar tanpa apa-apa kontroversi dan pemimpin-pemimpin yang telah dilantik akan memerintah tanahair kami yang disayangi dengan adil dan saksama. The new government can also make every effort to help alleviate poverty and homelessness in this country. Peace to me simply means to be tolerant, receptive and accepting of each others opinions and ways of managing critical issues at hand.

Role of a beauty queen?

A role of a beauty queen is to be a catalyst for creating awareness for subject matters that may seem taboo for instance race, religion and gender and to basically be bold enough to be the frontliner at bringing  such subject matters up. It would be a shame if we do not do so as we are given a wonderful established platform which ties along with our title that carries weight to whatever is being uttered by us.

Sebelum menjadi Ratu siapakah anda?

I was Miss International Malaysia 2016.

I recently just won the title Mrs. Malaysia World 2022. I am also a lawyer.

I am a two time Malaysian Book of Records holder.  My *first record* is the longest wedding veil 121.56 meters and the  *Second record* is the most number of 5 cent coins on a dress which is the National Costume i am using to compete at the Mrs. World pageant in Las Vegas,Nevada.

What makes you different from the other girls competing? Yes, what makes you unique?

I am benevolent and an empath. I go out of my way to help other contestants regardless whether it is a competition or not. That quality was truly tested when I helped a few of the contestants at the national level to get a quick fix at their national costume after a little mishap took place. I do not hesitate to even share a thing or two of modeling from catwalk to posing techniques.  At the end of the day it is about sisterhood and empowering each other to look good. At the end of the day we are human and achievement or failures without trying to sound morbid once you are gone aren’t really going to matter. We have very few moments we get to do something for someone and those are the moments that truly meet life.

Why do you deserve to win this title?

I believe I am able to empower married women across the board from all walks of life to look beyond their horizons and to venture into the unknown because we never know where that path may lead us. I am able to inspire and prove to married ladies out there that we are not restricted within the box that society has created for us that is to devote our entire lives to our family be it as a mother, wife, daughter or sister but we can also execute things we are passionate about and most importantly self love. To look good is to feel good and accomplished. With that notion we are directly contributing to higher productivity in society and that will automatically strengthen our economy.

Would you say that you are a good role model?

Yes I am, I have been brought up to be very cautious about the manner in which i conduct myself and what i say and how i say it. I am also a strong advocate for women empowerment which means among others a sense of self worth, the ability to make her own choices to be given equal opportunity in every aspect of life including work and social life and to have control over what she does and when she does it.

What do you like most about yourself?

What I like most about myself is that I am resilient despite going through a tough pregnancy. From hyperemesis for three months and followed by recurrent UTI to then diagnosed to severe dengue with a platelet of only 1 with a need to be in ICU for one week with oxygen support. During the late phase of pregnancy I was borderline diabetic, I had premature contractions and failed induction of labor which was complicated with chorioamnionitis (infected placenta) requiring emergency C-Section. I basically faced my challenges, embraced it and came out stronger. This experience has taught me to love my body, the fact my body withered the most challenging face of my life is a miracle.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

To achieve more in life and to add on to my accolades for the betterment of my family.

What goal do you want to have achieved when you are?

To be honest I am content with life and what god has blessed me with.

If you could meet (have lunch with) any person in history who would it be?

It would definitely be Benazir Butto. I love her demeanor in the manner in which she conducted herself so fearlessly

Do celebrities have a responsibility to be positive role models?

Most definitely as celebrities are a role model in society and people look up to them ne it trends of what they wear, how they speak to the things they do.

What has been your biggest failure? Tell us about a challenge that you experienced and how you overcame it?

To be honest, failure is subjective, any obstacle I face I take it as a test from god and endeavor to do the best I can at anything that comes before me and if I may fall short i look at it at a learning lesson and accept it constructively and do better the next time. I believe failure is when you give up but in my case i never give up instead I persevere even more.

What do you think is the biggest problem facing young people today?

One of the major problems that I feel bessets young people is online abuse and bullying. It appears that 99% of young people have a handphone making it a prevalent issue today. Efforts must be made to encourage thus abused to come forward for counseling and help overcome this problem.

Why do you think that people have a negative image of pageantry?

It is sometimes down to individual mindset and the type of administration. In any industry there will always be a black sheep. Those minorities cause this negative stigma.

With the current negative media attention about pageantry, what advice would you give someone on the fence about competing?

There are always rotten apples who are willing to cast slanderous comments to obtain traction on social media. Don’t hear the naysayers, block off the noise completely and experience it for yourself before deciding or making a judgment.

I would advise them to take their courage in their hands and use their inner strength to step out of their comfort zone and take the challenge of entering such competitions. You never know what you can achieve by this, as the saying goes “Aim high though the point you miss, some higher mark you reach by this”.

Define beauty?

Beauty is not skin deep. It has to radiate from within and must encompass charity and kindness.

Your beauty regime?

My beauty regime is that I love using organic masks. Plain yogurt, honey, lime juice and blended oats. It is an amazing moisturizing mask that helps give the skin a natural glow.


Mohamed Khaliful Zaman

Ziba Cosmetics Pte Ltd

Mohamed Khaliful Zaman, 28. After completing my Bachelor in Business Marketing, I had decided to formally join my family business as a Sales & Marketing Manager at Persian Boutique Pte Ltd. and Ziba Cosmetics Pte Ltd. While growing up, I had watched my parents expand the business from having a kiosk at an expo booth to the brand it is now. Everyone in the family helped out when we could and were actively involved in learning from their expertise. When I joined the company, we had 3 stores in Singapore and 1 in Shah Alam. Currently, the company has grown to have 7 retail outlets across 3 countries, Singapore, Malaysia & United Arab Emirates offering various products and services to customers from the Middle East.

Share our thoughts on the new Malaysian government. What’s your understanding of Perpaduan?

Although I am not Malaysian, we follow the politics very closely at home. My parents traveled from Singapore to KL to vote and do their part as citizens. I believe that it is a new beginning for Malaysia. When even the politicians can set aside their differences to form this historic unity government, my hope is that the people too can join together as one and aim for progress and prosperity of the country. United we stand, divided we fall.

As businessmen, tell us what would Malaysia be like in future?

Malaysia’s economy has always shown great potential for growth. I see Malaysia being on track to becoming a high income nation in the next decade. We have already seen many businesses choosing to open their HQs and factories in Malaysia, which is a promising sign for the future of the economy. Having more good quality jobs is always helpful for the people.

Tell us more about your business?

We offer a wide variety of products from the Middle East to Singapore and Malaysia. When my parents started the business, they wanted to have a clothing line that was different from what was offered in the market. The end result was trench coats and immediately it was a hit among the career women, especially teachers.  Overtime, we switched to producing and selling abayas and now we have one of the largest collections of Abaya in Singapore.

 In 2015, we realized there was a gap for high quality halal cosmetics products in the region and we introduced Note Cosmetics to the market. It’s a halal certified, vegan, cruelty-free and paraben-free brand from Turkey. Note is a make-up brand with skincare properties and has over 500 SKUs offering a wide range of shades to suit all skin types and tones. Pre-covid, we had seven stores in Singapore and 4 in KL selling the products. Currently we are more focused on online sales for the brand.

Our most recent endeavor for clothing is the men’s line under the brand Achaboy Kurta in 2019. It’s one of the top selling brands in Zalora Singapore for Men’s Ethnic Wear. Finally we launched Royal Persian Oud, our signature collection of oudi and aromatic perfumes from Dubai. While we are a mostly retail focused company, we also provide wholesale manufacturing and white labeling services for our clients who wish to have their own brand.

What methods do you use to promote your business? Bagaimana untuk  mendapatkan produk Note ini..

Note is popular amongst millennials and Gen X, therefore, social media and e-marketing has been our primary mode of promotion for the brand. We have also hosted many pop-up events and training masterclasses. The products can be purchased easily on our website, / Alternatively, they can visit stores in Joo Chiat Complex, Singapore.

What factors influenced your decision to locate your business?

Malaysia and Singapore has a high percentage of Muslim population. Although any race and religion can buy and use our products, Note being a halal certified brand appeals to Muslim buyers. That is one of our main considerations for operating here.

Why did you decide to start a business in this industry?          

We have had intentions to expand our business into the beauty industry for quite a while as we had found that there was a gap in the market for high quality halal make up. We took a while scouting and sourcing for products that would tick all the boxes for our customers and also our requirements. We then came to know about Note Cosmetics and soon realized that the brand met all our expectations and immediately signed a deal with them.

What’s your suggestion for achieving business growth, quickly?

There is no easy way to achieve growth quickly in business. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication before we bear any fruits to our labour. However, taking the leap and starting is the first step. Often, people tend to overthink and plan to perfection before they start and may end up not doing anything or respond too late. I have been guilty of this situation a number of times. You will never know if the idea is great or if the plan is good without acting on it. I recommend taking action on plans and being consistent in your effort and intensity, overtime, there will be growth in the business.

Your challenge with the competitor?

You have to always stand out from the crowd, we try our best to offer something new and unique to our customers in terms of products and services. Our strength with this brand is that it is premium halal cosmetics with skincare properties, there is a niche market for our product and we target them. Competition helps us to be on our toes and our aim is to be one step ahead of them, all the time.

How important is cosmetics to women?

Of course! I believe cosmetics are very important. It allows them to express themselves in an endless combination of looks and is an accessory that can be used to change how they want to be seen. For some, it also helps to build confidence when they use makeup compared to when they don’t. However, choosing the right products is very important, it must be able to complement and enhance their looks. Note’s Foundation and BB Cream, for example, contains argan oil and comes with SPF 15 protection from the sun, the products not only enhances the beauty, but also protects the skin.

Your definition of a beautiful woman?

My definition of a beautiful woman is someone who is confident and independent. Looks do play a part for first impressions but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A lady being passionate about a cause and ambitious in trying to achieve it is something I find very attractive. Someone who spreads positivity and is caring as well.

What is it like to be a part of a photoshoot with four beauty queens?

I have had the great opportunity to work with the beauty queens and be a part of the photoshoot. I admire their professionalism for the shoot and how they handled the poses. I feel like I may need to learn a few things about modeling from them. Wishing them the best for their respective pageant competitions.


Yes, I am currently single.

Do you spend a lot of money to look good and feel good?

I spend some money and a lot of time looking and feeling good. Most of the money is spent on clothes, they are usually simple polo t-shirts or gym wear. I am normally in a smart casual outfit as I go to office everyday and from time to time, we may need to get our hands dirty at the warehouse when handling new shipments of inventory. I also spend a lot of time in the gym or other physical activities to keep myself fit. I feel that working out helps me to be physically and mentally in shape as it is something I do for my health.

And what is your beauty regime?

My regime is quite simple actually, I generally wash my face after being in crowded places or food courts to remove any oil and dirt on my face. And at the end of the day, I cleanse my face and wash my hair before going to bed. Getting adequate rest is very important to our health. I try my best to get about seven hours of sleep every night but this month is going to be an exception because of the World Cup.

Cover story oleh Wirda Adnan
Lokasi: Hotel Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur
Gambar: Syarief Nurlette Photography
Penyelaras/Solekan/Dandanan/Styling: Rossa Talip
Solekan/Dandanan: Sarah dan Lvli
Alat solek jenama: Cosmetic Note, Turki
Pakaian: batik Nina B Nina
evening Zang Toi
Pengarah Seni: Wirda Adnan

Hiasan Kulit

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