Kisah Cinta Melissa Sargeant & John Perter Artley

Sempena Bulan Cinta membawa kisah cinta Melissa
Sargeant dan John Peter Artley yang baru sahaja mendirikan rumahtangga. Cerita pernikahan dan majlis resepsi pengantin baru ini juga disiarkan di sebagai ‘hadiah’ kami untuk pasangan pengantin baru ini.

Melissa Sargeant, sebut Sargeant, pasti ramai dapat meneka siapa gerangan ibunya? Ya, aktivis juga ahli perniagaan terkenal Dr. Mai Sargeant, dan kini aktif dalam politik. Cukup sebaris mengenai ibunya. Yang menarik diceritakan di sinilah anak gadis Dr Mai yang jelita. Melissa dilahirkan di Kuala Lumpur, anak kedua, tiga beradik kepada pasangan Dr Mai dan Howard Sargeant. Mendapat pendidikan rendah dan menengah di salah sebuah sekolah antarabangsa terkenal di sini sebelum melanjutkan pengajian di universiti di United Kingdom. Suaminya John dilahir dan dibesarkan di Yorkshire England berkelulusan dalam bidang perniagaan dan pemasaran.

Bertemu dan bercinta, begitu resam anak muda. Kala itu Melissa bekerja di PepsiCo dan duduk di sebelahnya ialah John. Sebagai rakan sekerja, perhubungan mereka akrab dan daripada bersembang hal biasa-biasa tentang kerja, cerita mereka bertukar kepada kisah cinta. Ini bermula pada satu hari yang tidak mudah dilupakan oleh mereka berdua. Melissa malam itu mengenakan midi sutera berbunga dan John memakai mireno knit dan shirt.  Itulah ‘first date’ mereka sebagai pasangan, bertempat di Ivy Richmond London. Melissa masih ingat ia pada bulan April 2019.

I thought that John was very driven and funny, he was always making jokes in the office and helping everyone he could,” itu yang membuat saya senang sekali dengannya. Dan setelah beberapa kali mereka keluar bersama, kata Melissa, “ All my friends never saw me so happy and at home with somebody.” Dibalas John, “malah sebelum ‘dating pertama’ saya sudah  dapat rasakan Melissa wanita yang mahu dijadikan suri hidup saya,  more or less before we went on our 1st date,” saya tahu dialah orangnya. 

Tiga tahun bercinta, masa untuk mengukuhkan lagi cinta, mahu hidup bersama, dan membina keluarga, Yang menarik tentang perkahwinan kata Melissa, “I think marriage is so beautiful because it’s a choice to build a life with one person forever. Making that commitment for all our friends and family to know has been wonderful and getting to continue our partnership in life! 

What makes a good couple? We always say the best couples are the ones where each person thinks they’ve got the better side of the deal!”

Kata Melissa, “When I was younger, I always thought that relationships were a compromise for your own goals and ambitions. However, now I know that the right person will motivate you to make all your dreams a reality and should support you every step of the way.” 

Bercerita tentang Mas Kahwin bernilai sejuta ringgit Malaysia yang diberikan oleh suami, “Saya pun tidak menyangka John mahu menghadiahkan sebanyak itu.” Kata John, “I love my wife so much, ia sebagai tanda cinta saya, waktu sama ia juga satu peristiwa terlalu bernilai dalam hidup saya, mengahwini wanita secantik dan sebaik Melissa, dan saya sebagai orang Islam kini.” Balas Melissa, “We plan to share all our finances now we are married so we wanted to amount in the mas kahwin to reflect that. As we both earn in GBP and the concept of a ‘dowry’ feels dated in this day and age we agreed that 1 million ringgit felt appropriate.” 

Reception simple and sweet

“We felt extremely loved at our small and  sweet reception but we are definitely planning a 2nd round where my father, John’s family and all our friends near and far can celebrate with us – this will likely happen in 2023.”

Onward celebration / honeymoon

“Back to work in the UK for now but we are avid travelers so no doubt after our 2nd reception we’ll get a lovely honey moon in! One of our favorite holidays we went on was to Kenya to the masai mara on safari. I absolutely loved being in nature and would love the opportunity to go back insha Allah.” 

Who cooks better? Cook and serve the husband?

“Mel tends to do most of the cooking – it’s one of her favorite hobbies and creative outlets! John does the cleaning up. We are definitely a more ‘modern’ couple and believe that housework and childcare should be split between husband and wife.” 

Baby anytime soon?

“Not in our immediate plans but insha Allah one day we’d love to start a family!”

John entering Islam

“We were lucky to find the SOFA foundation in London who have been so helpful with John’s conversion, we’re both learning together and inshallah will keep this up.”


“Our ideal plan would be to live between London and KL, with the world of work changing and more remote working becoming commonplace. We hope this will be manageable. We would consider moving to Malaysia for the right opportunity and to be closer to family but keeping our options open for now.”

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