The joyful attitude of The Party Collection explodes into a cheerful and extremely stylish house party: from the sparkling look to the more urban-oriented one, guests rediscover the desire to wear fine garments, where feathers are combined with lurex, tweed is trimmed with silver ribbons and the dresses are embellished with fruit shaped embroidery and sequins. Each look refers to a different personality to play with, like those tried out in the endless hours of quarantine, a little as a joke, a little out of boredom, and which many of us have shared on our social media accounts. Fashion is now regaining its most genuine dimension, that of the pleasure of dressing well, for oneself and for others. An exercise in lightness which – in going from the virtual to the real – is first and foremost a celebration of being together.
Speaking of getting together, The Party Collection marks the renewal of the collaboration between Maison Valentino and We’re Not Really Strangers, a card game and movement founded by Koreen. Conceived as a game to be played in groups, WNRS (the acronym for We’re Not Really Strangers, which in its abbreviated form reads “Winners”) was born to pose reflections capable of initiating meaningful conversations between people, both among those who know each other well and between strangers. For this occasion, greeting cards especially designed for Valentino pose some intriguing statements as New Year’s resolutions: there are no right answers, only (hopefully) honest answers. A way to encourage mutual listening, calm engagement and quality conversation, in which the interlocutor is never taken for granted, ideal for rediscovering the joy of human contact after months of forced introspection. Since our life is not just digital. A perfect approach for getting to know each other better and reclaiming all the space, and the gestures, we missed.